Top Causes of Depression

Did you know that the Economic Cost of Mental Illness in the U.S. was estimated at $282 billion in 2016? About 10% of adults are expected to experience some form of depression during their lifetime, making it one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Depression is a universal condition and many people suffer from it at some point in their lives, but the level of stress and anxiety among today’s youth is alarming. Residing in a busy city, having little time for leisure activities, long working hours, and financial strain can all contribute to an individual developing depression. For those who are genetically predisposed to it, chronic stressors may trigger symptoms sooner than later. There are several factors that can bring about depression; these include:

Financial Stress

The majority of people who suffer from depression report that finances were a central issue in the onset of their symptoms. Financial strain can leave you feeling hopeless, guilty, ashamed, and anxious about the future. Depending on the situation, you may be able to seek financial assistance from family members who can help you out during your rough patch. If you are not in a position to ask for assistance, you can always consider applying for a government grant or loan.

Loss or bereavement

Loss and bereavement are sudden events that are associated with many negative emotions and can trigger depression. You may experience feelings of sadness and despair when you lose someone close to you. Just losing a friendship can affect you greatly and you may feel depressed because of it. When you experience a loss or a breakup, your brain expects you to feel sad. However, when you don’t feel sad, your brain thinks something is wrong and triggers the release of dopamine. If you experience anxiety, guilt, irritability, and hopelessness, it might be because you are depressed.


Some people are genetically predisposed to developing depression. While genetics are not the only factor that contributes to the disorder, they are very important. It is believed that the molecular mechanism of depression is triggered by the over-activation of the body’s inflammatory system. Your genes can affect how your brain processes serotonin and dopamine, which are two neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in regulating mood and feelings of well-being. If you have a family history of depression, you have a higher chance of developing it yourself. You should be aware of the symptoms of depression and know that they are treatable. Early intervention is key and you can take steps to minimize the risks.

Neglecting self-care and daily routines

Depression often goes hand-in-hand with anxiety, and the two can intensify each other. If you have anxiety, you might be inclined to make changes in your daily routine that might make your symptoms worse. One of the best ways to avoid triggering the onset of depression is to maintain a regular daily routine. Daily routines are important because they provide a sense of consistency and help to reduce feelings of anxiousness.

Excessive stress at work or school

Excessive stress can literally wear you out and cause you to become depressed. Stress is a psychological response to a situation that triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which are hormones that can alleviate feelings of anxiety and help you overcome obstacles. Stress can be positive and help you to perform better, but when it becomes excessive and persistent, it can start to negatively affect your mental health. If you are experiencing excessive stress at work or school, see if you can figure out a way to reduce your workload.

Conflicting emotions and feelings of low self-esteem

If you feel like something is wrong with you, you may be experiencing conflicting emotions and feelings of low self-esteem. You may feel unworthy or imperfect, which is not the case. You are just experiencing a momentary imbalance in your mood.


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of depression, seek help as soon as possible. Depression is a serious condition that requires treatment from a medical professional. There are many treatment options available, including medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will start to feel better. Depression can be an isolating experience, but you are not alone. Working together with your doctor, you can find the treatment plan that best suits you and your symptoms. Depression is a serious condition but it is also very treatable. With the right treatment, you can get your life back and start enjoying yourself again!


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